Our commitment is not restricted by national borders.

Presence at the European Institution is critical, not only for internationally operating businesses. The European Union’s harmonization efforts, from Digital Common Market to Energy Union and capital markets reform impacts regional SMEs just as large multinationals.

The reformed European legislative process, implemented in 2010 under the slogan “Better Regulation”, facilitates intense involvement of stakeholders, including businesses and the civil society, in drafting target-oriented, effective directives and regulations. For European businesses, it is therefore the order of the day to actively contribute in impact assessments and stakeholder consultations, capitalizing on the opportunity to create balanced rules for fair competition.

Public Interest is your partner in Europe:

Waldshut-Tiengen We are present at both Brussels’ and Strasbourg’s institutions and our team of experts has an intimate, insider knowledge of European political mechanisms. We are thus well equipped to find European solutions in the interest of our clients. We build bridges and help your business gain momentum in the European arena.

We offer our clients tailor-made European solutions that ideally complement their national activities:

  • EU-Monitoring

  • Poltical Audit and European Policy Analysis

  • European Issues Management

  • Strategic political lobbying

  • Subsidies, Funding & Procurement

  • European Alliance Campaigning

  • European Litigation PR

  • Deal Campaigning